ESI Medication History Services

Medication History/Rx History Real-Time

  • Enables Medication Reconciliation

  • 12 months prescription history from National/Independent Pharmacies

  • 12 months prescription history from PBMs

  • Supports real-time access for treatment purposes, in connection with a patient event, to a patient’s medication history for reconciliation in the acute, post-acute and long-term care setting

  • REST API or User Interface

“CCNC’s primary source for electronic medication history is ESI Rx History. There are many vendors in the market that claim they have the “largest data source”; however ESI is the service that gives us the greatest level of "completeness" over multiple populations and geographies. They also provide us with excellent technical support and flexibility, so that we can connect and interact with them based our rapidly evolving needs and capabilities.”

Troy Trygstad, PharmD, MBA, PHD Vice President for Pharmacy Programs CCNC

Medication History/Rx History Near Real-Time

  • Enables Medication Reconciliation

  • 12-60 months prescription history from National/Independent Pharmacies

  • 12 months prescription history from PBMs

  • Provides data analytics for treatment and population health activities, including identifying gaps in care, non-adherence, and potential medication abuse



RxPO: Purchase Optimization

  • Complete analysis of drug spend and pricing files to give data driven purchasing options for 340B pharmacies

  • Identifies optimal NDC mix (GPO vs. 340B vs. WAC) for significant savings opportunities

  • Average savings of 10-13% of total drug spend

  • Rapid implementation

  • Web-based service

“Over the course of a year, the University of Utah Hospitals and Clinics Department of Pharmacy Services saved $2 million utilizing ESI for optimization of 340B drug procurement and supply chain.”

University of Utah Hospitals and Clinics Department of Pharmacy Services


CAPS: Contract Alignment Payment Solutions

  • Detailed accounting of all clinical events performed by physicians including RVUs and reimbursement per RVU

  • Monthly financial reporting of monies due from hospital to physician

  • Improved revenue cycle with precise and timely reimbursement to clinicians through use of detailed Business Rules

  • Adherence to governmental compliance regulations

  • Accountability and documentation that leads to good business practices and successful contract re-negotiations

“No question it [the ESI CAPS Model] has had a positive impact on recruitment...and on morale for docs, because we can show them what they’re actually doing now. [It] went from a situation where residents were enormously autonomous to a situation where faculty had a real responsibility to…supervise the care of the patient, and we were able to measure what they were doing and whether they were doing it appropriately.”

Bruce A. Meyer, M.D., M.B.A. UT Southwestern
Executive Vice President for Health Systems Affairs

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Claims Pro: Medical Claims Adjudication

  • Receive and adjudicate claims based on business rules established

  • Used for entities with a professional service agreement established for services rendered